Facebook Advertising

Social Media


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Houston Website Design - Facebook Advertising
Getting Started with a Limited Budget
Small Business FB/Google
per month
  • Research and Design one (1) custom ad campaign
  • Optimize ad to target your ideal customers
  • Leads/Conversions focus
  • Manage your monthly ad spend (minimum spend $500/month – maximum spend $2000/month)
  • Tracking/Analytics
  • One-time setups fee of $98



FDI Creative delivers highly analytical, affordable Facebook Advertising campaigns for businesses of all sizes. We offer several packages to meet the needs of your growing business, and work within your advertising budget to drive traffic, increase conversions, and raise awareness for your brand.

Facebook Advertising is essential to any effective social media marketing strategy, as it allows you to place your ads over two different social advertising platforms: Facebook and Instagram. Many Facebook Advertising agencies fail when it comes to optimizing your ad campaigns, making your advertising efforts less effective and costing you more money. 


FDI Creative creates Facebook Ads that convert

From the ad copy to the visual presentation, every aspect of your advertising campaign is carefully researched and selected. We will define the goal of your campaign based on the needs of your business, and identify the best ad format for each of your ads to be successful. Listed below are the ad objectives we strive to build our campaign around, as well as the types of ad formats Facebook allows advertisers to choose from.

Facebook Ad Objectives

  • Awareness- Increase the general awareness of your brand by reaching a large audience. 
  • Consideration – Drive traffic to your site by promoting content that establishes your business as a subject matter expert, and increase engagement with existing content on your site/social media. 
  • Conversion – The ultimate goal of Facebook Advertising: Get your targeted audience to convert with the action you desire. This includes actions on websites like, sales, sign-ups, and other key operations. 

Facebook Ad Formats

  • Video – Engage your audience by showcasing your product/service with a stunning video ad. 
  • Image – Draw attention to your product through a high quality image ad that provides context to what you do or sell. 
  • Collection – Show items from your existing product line, and tailor the ad to each individual viewer. 
  • Carousel – Want to show multiple products/pictures in a single ad? The carousel format allows you to show up to ten images.
  • Instant Experience – A fullscreen, mobile-optimized experience that presents itself when somebody clicks on your ad. Give a quick overview of the complete services/product that your business offers.
  • Lead Generation – A video, image, or carousel ad that captures audience insights to show your ad to an audience that is likely to be a good lead for your business. 
  • Offers – A video, image, or carousel ad that allows you to offer discounts to your audience. 
  • Post Engagement – Boost one of your Facebook posts to get more likes, comments, and impressions.  
  • Event Responses –  An image or video ad that is used specifically to promote an event. Get more sign-ups, and build more buzz around your event!
  • Page Likes – Just like it sounds: An Image or video ad that is displayed to drive likes to your company’s Facebook page, 

How do Facebook Ad placements affect your ads? 

FDI Creative will create a unique ad that catches the attention of your audience, but it doesn’t stop there. The type of ad format, the objective of your advertising campaign, and the audience you are trying to connect with will ultimately determine the right placement for your Facebook Ads. Currently, Facebook offers the following locations for ad placements:

  • Facebook News Feed
  • Instagram Feed
  • Facebook Marketplace
  • Facebook Video Feed
  • Facebook Right Column
  • Instagram Explore
  • Messenger Inbox

We place your ads appropriately on the Facebook and Instagram platforms, so your click-through rates soar and your budget remains on track. 

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